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By sengideons Immigration 02 Comments

3 Best Things To Do in Venice (City Trip Guide)

The Top 11 Activities in Venice (City Trip Guide)The city of water is Venice. Where automobiles are not allowed, boats and bridges are the only modes of transportation. When visiting Italy, you simply must see Venice, one of the most distinctive towns in the world. You want to take out your camera at every street corner as you pass it so you can easily organize a three-day city vacation that includes everything Venice has to offer.

1. Go to the Rialto Bridge, or Ponte di Rialto.

Walk down to Ponte di Rialto, the oldest bridge across Venice's big canal, about 6:30 in the morning. Cross the beautiful bridge and observe how the residents are getting their fresh fish and veggies off the boats.

2. Fondaco Dei Tedeschi's View

It takes two minutes to go from the bridge to Fondaco Dei Tedeschi's rooftop. This could be among Venice's best views. Visit the rooftop, which is located atop an opulent shopping center, for free.

3. Go to the Coolest Bookstore in Italy

Libreria Acqua Alta is located in a peaceful neighborhood away from the main tourist route, where few tourists are seen. They sell used books, calendars, postcards, and maps at their wildly decorated bookstore. You can find books everywhere you turn, including within the bookstore in a massive gondola and bathtub. This is to safeguard the books because water can unexpectedly flood the area.

Venice is one of Italy's priciest destinations, especially during peak season (May-September). However, there are still reasonably priced guesthouses and hostels available, particularly if you stay a little further away from the center.


Costs of Traveling in Venice

  • Hotels: $150 − $250 USD
  • Transport: $10 − $20 USD
  • Activities: $5 − $80 USD
  • Food: $20 − $60 USD
  • Car Rental: $50 − $100 USD

Travel on a budget in Venice, from $370 − $620 USD weekly per person, mid-range $1750 − $2680 USD, and high-end from $2640 − $3490 USD. However, costs depend on factors like accommodation, transportation, and activities. We did not include flights

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